there are no gardening mistakes,

only experiments.

gardening basics

Gardening isn’t an exact science. Even experienced gardeners make mistakes, so novice gardeners shouldn’t be intimidated. Follow the recommendations on our articles to arm yourself with the fundamentals of gardening. 

Grow your own food

The very first thing you need to do is to think about what you would like to grow in your garden. This is as simple as thinking about the herbs and vegetables you wish to eat and use often. Learn how to create the perfect veggie garden here.

pests & health

There are many insects in the world and while some are often beneficial for your garden, other are quite destructive. Fortunately, we can prevent and manage these detrimental insects with simple, organic pest control solutions.

Natural Healing Herbs

Natural healing herbs for anxiety can prevent and eliminate the pain and suffering caused by anxiety and panic attacks without the side effects commonly experienced with anxiety drugs. Passion flower and lemon balm have been clinically proven as safe and effective...

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Growing Gynura Plant

Gynura (Velvet plant) grows quickly, it has no special needs and the foliage is covered with shiny purple hairs. This attractive coloring requires good light for development. Gynura is very fast-growing plant, with furry leaves in striking colors. Literally, a...

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Growing Cucumbers In A Greenhouse

Growing Cucumbers In A Greenhouse – People use greenhouses to grow a huge variety of plants and shrubs. European cucumbers grow very well in greenhouses and these variants are much longer than the other types of cucumbers. As a matter of fact they are longer and...

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Constructing A Herb Tower

Constructing A Herb Tower – The cooking enthusiasts always like to have pots of herbs next to the kitchen door, so that they can take one step outside and pick a sprig or two while cooking. Most herbs are sun lovers, so a sunny site is of prime importance to grow a...

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Vegetable Garden During November

Vegetable Garden During November – This month beds that were filled with late season produce are now laid bare, stems of runner beans have died off twisted around their supports and the greenhouse is all but emptied. However, there will be a few winter crops...

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Veronica Plant

Veronica Plant – Veronica Speedwell perennial flowers are a perfect, easy to grow and easy to care for flower. While there are over 500 different species of Veronicas that come in a variety of types and sizes, the Veronica Speedwell is an attractive perennial with...

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Venidium Plant

Venidium plant (Monarch of the Veldt, Cape Daisy) is in the aster family and it certainly deserves to be better known. The sunflower-like blooms are 4 in across and they are quite distinctive – at the base of each inner petal is a purple-black blotch, providing a...

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Gardening In February

Garden In February – If you look carefully you will start to see the first signs of spring in the garden this month. Catkins appear on trees, the first bulbs start to poke their heads trough the soil and a few brave flowers begin to appear. With January over,...

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Hey there! I'm Carissa, a passionate gardener with a mission to grow my own food, live sustainably, and share my experiences with others.

My backyard is my playground, where I cultivate a thriving garden and raise chickens for fresh eggs. I'm dedicated to practicing sustainability in all aspects of my life and love to inspire others to do the same.

Join me on my journey towards a greener, healthier lifestyle!
