Corn In The Vegetable Garden
Corn In The Vegetable Garden – Corn ranks four spots behind tomatoes as the most popular vegetable to grow in a home vegetable garden, it still is a very popular item because of its taste, texture and availability. You may not have the budget of a commercial corn...
Crossandra (Firecracker Flower or Orange Marmalade) plant is very decorative, compact flowering shrub, easy to grow and care for, as long as it has sufficient water and humidity. They are excellent plants for growing in planters which can be brought indoors in the...
Summer Insects And Garden Pests
Summer insects and garden pests enjoy being outdoors in the summertime as much as we enjoy. Although most are harmless or even beneficial, there are a few that can be troublesome. Summer Outdoor Pests The most common summer pests in many areas are mosquitoes and the...
Bonsai Trees: Fertilizing Tips
Bonsai Trees: Fertilizing Tips – Bonsai trees, like all other living things, should have food for survival. Unlike the roots of ordinary trees that grow for further distances seeking nutrition, the roots of bonsai trees are controlled to grow inside the tray and hence...
It’s Time To Replant Sparaxis Plant!
It’s Time To Replant Sparaxis Plant – Sparaxis plants are hardy bulbs that are usually grown as annuals. Some common names for Sparaxis plants include Harlequin Flower and Wandflower. They have lance shaped leaves and carry trumpet shaped flowers on spikes; the...
Growing Hydrangeas
Growing Hydrangeas – Hydrangeas are some of the most beautiful flowering plants seen on lawns and in gardens. They are France’s most popular flower. The blooming bush produces absolutely gorgeous colorful bunches of flowers that last throughout the spring, and through...
Container-Friendly Garden
Container-Friendly Garden – Running short on garden space or living in a small urban apartment should not necessarily stop you from having a thriving and beautiful garden. You can actually turn any available place into a gardening spot – from balconies and rooftops to...
3 Tips to gardening your yard this summer
Taking care of your yard especially in the summer season can be challenging. Months prior, you have to prepare the soil, add some shade, pump some fertilizer in and so on. This article will show you three simple tips to help your garden stay blooming this summer....
Clipping Plants: Pleaching, Pollarding And Coppicing
Clipping Plants: Pleaching, Pollarding And Coppicing – Pleaching is a method of planting trees in rows and training the side branches to meet in horizontal, parallel lines. Other growth is cut back or interwoven to form a vertical screen. Beech, lime, hornbeam and...
Succulent Plants As St Patrick’s Day Decorations
Succulent Plants As St Patrick’s Day Decorations – In keeping with the green theme for your St. Patrick’s Day party, we’d provide you with some ideas for your dinner table decorations using succulent plants. However, please note that in this article about St Patrick’s...
Loosen the soil and carry out a pH test During the course of the summer, the soil in your garden will have compacted. In preparation for the fall planting season, you need to loosen the soil enough to allow the plant’s roots and water to move freely. A garden fork is...
Growing A Pear Tree From Seed
Pear trees (Pyrus communis) bear sweet fruit with crisp, white flesh. Many gardeners tend to shy away from growing fruit trees due to their delicate and temperamental nature. Growing pear trees from seed will take patience and careful planning. Prepare to spend at...
Snakes In The Garden
Snakes In The Garden – To have a snake or two in the garden is good. Non-poisonous snakes, such as the common garter snakes, are beneficial creatures because they eat pest insects, mosquito larvae, slugs, snails, crickets, rats, mice, voles and even other snakes which...
5 Tips to saving time in your garden
Having a garden at times is a tiring responsibility. The time you spend in your garden should be limited and yet enjoyable. Many of garden owners are busy people who at times are forced to hire labor to care for the garden because of the little time. This can be a...
How Indoor Plants Grow Under Light?
How Indoor Plants Grow Under Light? Grow lights offer a variety of benefits to indoor plants. Light-loving houseplants like hibiscus, citrus, African violets, and orchids can grow year-round under lighting. Also, a winter harvest of salad greens and herbs is possible...