
3 Things You Should Know About Knotweed

3 Things You Should Know About Knotweed

Introduced in Europe by a botanist by the name of Philipp Von Siebold who first discovered it at a volcano site in the Far East at the start of the 19th century, Japanese Knotweed is one of the most destructive plants of all time with the potential to cause real...

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August in the flower garden

August in the flower garden

August in the flower garden can be a bit of a challenge. Summer is well under way and many herbaceous plants have reached their optimum flowering peak. You could be forgive for thinking that this month is a month of tidying up. However, with a bit of forward planning...

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Care For Indoor Bamboo Plants

Care For Indoor Bamboo Plants

Care For Indoor Bamboo Plants – Care for indoor bamboo plants ensures in healthy growth of bamboo plant. It includes proper fertilization, nourishment and sapping. These in reality are wild long grass that grows in the tropical region amidst the warm climate. Due to...

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Long Stem Roses (Hybrid Tea Roses)

Long Stem Roses (Hybrid Tea Roses)

Long stem roses are widely considered to be the most popular roses for all occasions. What many people think of as classic long stem roses are in fact Hybrid Tea Roses. A mixture between the Hybrid Perpetual and Tea Rose from China, these long stem beauties have long...

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Lawn Care In September

Lawn Care In September

Lawn Care In September – The fall programme begins this September with the increasing interval between mowings and the raising of the height of cut to the fall level, which is a quarter of an inch above the summer cutting height. Worms may become active – there are no...

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Leopard’s Bane: Planting And Care

Leopard’s Bane: Planting And Care

Leopard’s Bane: Planting And Care – If you want to fill a patch of your bed or border with large and yellow daisy-like flowers, Leopard’s bane (the genus Doronicum of family Asteraceae, also known as aconite, monkshood, or Devil’s helmet) is the one to select when you...

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Decorative Stones For Landscaping

Decorative Stones For Landscaping

Decorative Stones For Landscaping – Having a sprawling garden in front of the house is a dream that each one of us has. Beautifying the garden with flowers, hedges, decorative elements, etc. that match with your choice can customize the look of your garden and make it...

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Bergamot Plant

Bergamot Plant

Bergamot (Bee Balm, Monarda didyma) is a native perennial plant of North America, formerly used as a tea drunk by the Oswego Indians. Bergamot was supposed to have antidepressant qualities and an infusion was used to treat colds. The plant is a good addition to any...

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Winter-Flowering Plants In December Garden

Winter-Flowering Plants In December Garden

Winter-Flowering Plants In December Garden – There is no reason why December should be the bleak, flowerless month it is in many gardens. There are a number of winter-flowering plants and here the Christmas rose holds pride of place. The sculptured white blooms of...

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Create A Barrel Of Petunias

Create A Barrel Of Petunias

Create A Barrel Of Petunias – Most petunias are half-hardy perennials but they are best grown as annuals, as the plants tend to become leggy and less floriferous in their second year. In their first year, they flower continuously from early summer until fall, but as...

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5 Garden projects to take on this summer

5 Garden projects to take on this summer

Summer is the best time to discover garden projects that you can try out by yourself or with family members. By trying out garden DIY projects, you get to bond with family, the same way you would while taking a holiday. Just in case you have no idea, which projects to...

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Where To Plant Roses?

Where To Plant Roses?

When spring arrives, and the ground is thawed, it is time to start planting your rose garden. Roses date back to biblical times and have been a considered a cherished aphrodisiac then and still are today. Roses hold particular mystery and fascination, not to mention...

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Aphid Control

Aphid Control

Gardening is a real challenge because of the amount of work involved. Majority of the work, though, involves protecting the plants than growing them. Just like having kids, plants need to be taken care of and treated for diseases and fed and so on. They do not simply...

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Hey there! I'm Carissa, a passionate gardener with a mission to grow my own food, live sustainably, and share my experiences with others.

My backyard is my playground, where I cultivate a thriving garden and raise chickens for fresh eggs. I'm dedicated to practicing sustainability in all aspects of my life and love to inspire others to do the same.

Join me on my journey towards a greener, healthier lifestyle!
