Planting On Specific Locations
Planting On Specific Locations – Most places in the garden are improved by a plant, or group of plants, grown in attractive container. Often, the restricting factor is how many plants you can manage to water without it becoming too much of a chore. Give priority to...
Designing Your Own Water Garden
Designing Your Own Water Garden – Once you have decided that you want to build a water garden in your garden or back yard you will need to make bigger and crucial decisions about how the whole thing is going to look, how are you going to make sure that each element...
Shrub Roses
Shrub roses are an easy, colorful choice to use anywhere you would plant a shrub. Unlike many roses, shrub roses are perfect for planting anywhere. They’re ‘plant-friendly’ and are good neighbors in any collection of flowers. Shrub roses are also very winter-hardy,...
How To Create A Beautiful Rose Garden
How To Create A Beautiful Rose Garden – Growing roses isn’t difficult. It just takes some tender loving care. Plant roses in a location which gets full sunlight. Roses should be pruned in the spring. Cut out dead and damaged branches. Always sharpen the hand shears...
How To Grow Delicious Watermelons?
How To Grow Delicious Watermelons? – Watermelons are delicious, heat-loving annual fruits that adore warm climates. This makes it very easy to grow watermelons in tropical countries. However, you can also plant watermelons in cooler locations. Just choose the...
4 Tips to planting seasonal flowers
Flowers are great additions for your outdoor decorations. Flowers come in different categories with some being seasonal that only bloom at certain months of the year. You can grow flowers in your garden in outdoor plant beds or in pots depending on your preference....
5 Ways to Make Use of a Large Garden
Is it better to have a small garden where you can’t fit anything or a large garden that you can’t fill? We’ve found that, although great, having a large garden can be problematic for gardening enthusiasts who want to make it special. That’s why we have put together a...
Your Cottage Garden In June
Your Cottage Garden In June – June is invariably a busy month for the keen gardener with general garden maintenance consuming the majority of your time. Seedlings should be watered early in the morning and again late evening particularly if you have had a hot summer’s...
Radermachera Plant
Radermachera is a house plant of the eighties – it was introduced to Europe from Taiwan at the beginning of the decade, and its popularity as a specimen indoor tree has increased. It may be labelled simply as ‘foliage plant’, but you can’t mistake the large compound...
Grow Your Organic Garden Using Aquaponics
Grow Your Organic Garden Using Aquaponics – Organic produce has become a huge seller in our local supermarkets. These products however come at a price. What if you could grow organic products easily in your own garden? Aquaponics is the combination of hydroponics and...
Vegetables In The Winter Garden
Vegetables In The Winter Garden – Winter can be a very productive time to grow and harvest vegetables, even in some of the coldest areas of the country. Most seed catalogs are now offering a full array of fall and winter options. Freezing areas will need to use a cold...
Improving The Conditions Of Your Garden
Improving The Conditions Of Your Garden – Find out how you can stop relying on others for your fruits and vegetables, by building and maintaining your own home organic garden, full of delicious produce. First of all, know what grows in your region. When you see the...
Solomon’s Seal: Planting And Care
Solomon’s Seal: Planting And Care – Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum) is a shade-loving plant which will thrive in the shadow of trees and shrubs in a mixed border or in the semi-wild garden. The oval leaves clasp the arching stems, providing a graceful and decorative...
Saponaria Plant
Saponaria Plant – The common names of Saponaria (Soapwort, Bouncing Bet) are a guide to some of its properties. Stir a handful of cut leaves in a bowl of water and the lather produced reveals why it is called Soapwort. Leave a clump to grow undisturbed in the border...
Designing A Flower Garden
Designing A Flower Garden – A flower garden will bring you endless enjoyment. Not only is it a feast for the eyes, but it can fill your yard with fragrance and butterflies. Your friends will admire you, and you will love to relax at home while you relish your...