Flowering Trees For Garden Shade And Beauty
Flowering Trees For Garden Shade And Beauty – The most important components in a landscape are probably trees. Their prominent shape and size gives the necessary depth to any garden or lawn. Such a large and tall plant can be impossible to ignore in any scenery and...
Early July Gardening
Early July Gardening – In the flower garden there is now profusion as we enjoy more roses, phloxes, campanulas, heleniums, hemerocallis (day lilies) and gladioli etc. etc. Indeed there are enough flowers for everybody. There are few bulbs that can compete with the...
Organic Insecticide
Organic insecticides are made from by avoiding harmful chemicals. You can get hold of organic pesticides from the local stores. When purchasing organic insecticide, you need to check for the label which gives you a sign of approval. Apart from that you can also make...
Growing Brussels Sprouts
Growing Brussels Sprouts – If you love Brussels sprouts you will find that home grown ones taste far better than those from the supermarkets, especially when harvested after a first frost. Brussels sprouts are particularly suited to our cool climate and provide lovely...
Growing Strawberries
Strawberries are excellent fruit for the patio gardener and are especially attractive grown in special strawberry planters or tubs, producing their white flowers in late spring and delicious red fruits that ripen in summer. They can also be raised in growbags, planted...
Gardening With Fern Plants
Gardening With Fern Plants – Homeowners with wooded backyards choose ferns for their attractive undergrowth. There are many assortments to choose from. Thousands of varieties of ferns can be found all over the globe. Sizes range from a few inches to as much as...
Garden Pest Moles
After the initial plotting and planting of a garden, the growth phase begins. For every dedicated gardener, there are a myriad of complications that arise, all of which they try their fullest to overcome in order to protect their turf – the most common being garden...
Feeding The Lawn
Feeding The Lawn – During late spring and summer, the rapid growth of grass means that frequent mowing is essential. The dangers of allowing the grass to grow too tall have already been pointed out, so the turf must be kept at the recommended height no matter how...
Garden In The Barrels
Garden In The Barrels – During the creation of your garden you may find that you require an especially big container – perhaps to grow shrubs, small trees, or simply a large planting. Garden centers now have a wide range on sale, including ceramic and terracotta tubs,...
Roof Garden With Potted Trees
Roof Garden With Potted Trees – Blasted by the sun and battered by the wind, roof gardens are prime examples of exposed sites. they are not the best places to grow garden plants, but if you live in a city apartment, a roof garden can make a useful, extra room,...
Growing Callistemon
Growing Callistemon – Callistemon (or Bottlebrush) is an excellent choice if you want a ‘novelty’ plant, and it is also a good one to pick if you want an easy-to-grow specimen which blooms in summer. With their vibrant, fuzzy-looking flowerheads in summer, Callistemon...
Basic Lessons About Gardening
Basic Lessons About Gardening – If you’re seriously interested in knowing about gardening, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about gardening.Planting methods. There are several methods for...
The Winter Cherry
The Winter Cherry plants (Solanum) bear tiny flowers in summer and these are followed in fall by green berries which change color as winter approaches. The Winter Cherry is a familiar sight at Christmas. The orange or red berries among the dark green leaves provide a...
Desert Gardening: Create Your Summer Garden In The Desert
Desert Gardening: Create Your Summer Garden In The Desert -Most people think of the desert as a barren place filled with few animals and even fewer plants. If you did not grow up in the area your misconception of the beauty and contrast represented in the desert...
Vegetables In The Winter Garden
Vegetables In The Winter Garden – Winter can be a very productive time to grow and harvest vegetables, even in some of the coldest areas of the country. Most seed catalogs are now offering a full array of fall and winter options. Freezing areas will need to use a cold...