3 Tips to cleaning your pool more efficiently this summer

Outdoor Plants

There a few things in life better than enjoying your own private swimming pool on a hot day. Sadly, there is a price to be paid in upkeep and maintenance, but by using these three tips you can help minimise the amount of work this takes.

  1.  Leave a tennis ball floating in your pool when you are not using it.

At first glance, this may seem more like making a mess than being an efficient way to clean your pool, but let me explain. When you swim in your pool, you lose part of any layer of suntan lotion, sun block or moisturising cream that you might be wearing. These particles collect in the water and over time they can form a thin layer of film. Allowing a tennis ball to float around the pool is a time efficient and simple way of preventing this film from forming and removing it before it has a chance to damage the expensive inner workings of the pumps. Just remember to change the tennis ball once a month, or sooner depending on how many people are using your pool.  

  1. Regularly clean your filters

Your pools filters are there to help remove dirt and grime from your pool. They work tirelessly to keep your pool in a pristine condition but they can only do so much. Think of it this way, the better your filters operate, the less there is for you to do when it comes to cleaning your pool. A filter that is clogged with dirt and leaves is not going to work as well. Leaving the filters until they are totally clogged is a false economy when it comes to efficiency and will just lead to more work in the long run. Give them a regular clean to help keep them operating at full capacity and let them keep your pool clean for you.

  1. Have a robot do it for you.

We all know that cleaning your pool is the price you pay for being able to take a dip whenever you want. And one way or another it is going to cost you, either financially from having to hire a pool cleaner, or in the time it is going to take out of your day to do it yourself. Sadly, there hasn’t really been a way around this. That is, until now.

Like everything else these days, pool cleaning has moved into the digital age with the release of robotic pool cleaners. You read that correctly. You can now buy a robot to clean your pool for you. And for less that you might expect. There are some are some great new features on the latest models, including the ability to “learn” the best way to clean your pool and or even a remote control to allow you to direct them to a particular area.

In addition to this, a robotic pool cleaner also helps minimise the amount of potentially harmful chemicals that you need to keep your pool in great shape and allows you to save money in the long run due to their low running costs.

I hope you found this article useful and that you enjoy your pool this summer!



Hey there! I'm Carissa, a passionate gardener with a mission to grow my own food, live sustainably, and share my experiences with others.

My backyard is my playground, where I cultivate a thriving garden and raise chickens for fresh eggs. I'm dedicated to practicing sustainability in all aspects of my life and love to inspire others to do the same.

Join me on my journey towards a greener, healthier lifestyle!



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